Any member of the public may lay a complaint against an architect or quantity surveyor who is registered with NCAQS in terms of the Architect and Quantity Surveyors Act 13 of 1979 (the Act), whom they believe has contravened the Act or the Professional Code of Conduct as set out in the Rules and Regulations (the Rules) enacted in terms of the Act.
The Professional Code of Conduct deals with what constitutes improper conduct on the part of a person registered in one of the professional categories provided for in the Act.
A complaint against a Registered Professional, should be submitted in writing by way of affidavit under oath.
For contact purposes, the complainant must provide his/her name
and contact details.
affidavit should include an overview of the alleged issue of concern and
the time-frame of events.
The process which follows is provided for in the Act and requires that NCAQS, through its relevant committee structures, considers the complaint, including any response from the Registered Professional involved and any further information, so that the Investigating Committee can decide whether to recommend to NCAQS or its Executive Committee, as the case may be, that a disciplinary tribunal be appointed.
The role of the disciplinary tribunal is to make a finding on the alleged improper conduct and impose a sanction, which is subject to the finalisation of any appeals.
Fees for investigating improper conduct:
The disciplinary committee may recommend to the NCAQS that a Registered Professional found guilty of misconduct
will be liable for the cost incurred by the disciplinary tribunal.
Complaints may be sent to NCAQS in one
of the following ways:
Hand delivery:
The Namibia Council for Architects and Quantity Surveyors is a statutory council established by the Architects' and Quantity Surveyors' Act 13 of 1979. The Namibia Council for Architects and Quantity Surveyors registers Professional Architects and Quantity Surveyors, regulates the profession in protecting the public interest against unprofessional conduct and establishes the route to registration to allow professionals in these professions to register and practice in Namibia.
Address: 8 Koch Street, Klein Windhoek, Namibia | +264-61-401813 |