Click here to download the Registration Policy 2019
Candidates will need to satisfy the NCAQS that they have received sufficient professional training and experience by meeting the requirements set out in Annexure A and B respectively.
The APC programme comprises of the following:
Architectural candidates must work fulltime in Namibia, under the direct supervision of an Architect registered with the NCAQS for a minimum period of 24 months. Quantity Surveying candidates must work fulltime in Namibia under the direct supervision of a Quantity Surveyor registered with the NCAQS for a minimum period as stipulated in the NCAQS Registration Matrix for Quantity Surveyors (Annexure C).
The minimum duration of the training period of an Architect/ Quantity Surveyor in-training is based on the candidate’s qualification and the institution where the qualification has been obtained. Each application will be reviewed by the Registration Sub-committee and will be subject to Council Board approval, in accordance with Section 11(2)(b) of the Architects’ and Quantity Surveyors’ Act. However, this period will be extended if candidates have not obtained the required value units under each section as set out in Annexure A and B respectively or if interim submissions are not submitted on time.
The in-training period will be extended with 24 months if the qualification is obtained from a non-accredited institution.
A candidate may apply in writing for recognition of validated work experience prior to registration with the NCAQS but after the candidate has obtained his / her qualification. This application should be done within 3 months of Council’s notification of registration.
A maximum of (6) six months credit might be granted and will be considered on the credit of each individual application. Only experience within the immediate 12 months prior to registration will be considered.
Candidates must ensure that they have their employers’ consent for disclosure of matters that feature in their reports.
Electronic submissions are not acceptable. Candidates residing outside of Windhoek must courier their signed submissions to the office of the NCAQS.
Architects in-training
Quantity Surveyors in-training
Candidates must submit the following to the NCAQS within one month of having completed one year of recorded professional training:
In addition to the required training period and experience obtained as part of their normal work, candidates must undertake continuing professional development of at least six (6) hours annually structured education and training. The education and training as defined should either relate to the work of the Architect or Quantity Surveyor as detailed in Annexure A and B respectively or be designed to develop candidates’ management skills.
This may consist of:
Written proof of attending courses must be handed in together with the annual report submissions.
Candidates must submit the following to Council within one month of having completed the professional training period in accordance with their route to registration:
The supervisors must certify all reports as being the candidates' own unaided work and a true and faithful reflection of their training and experience.
Candidates must submit proof of employment as well as a summary of work done during the period between completion of the in-training period and the APC, or between APC’s, whatever the case might be. This needs to be submitted prior to each APC until the candidate passes the APC and registers as a professional Architect or Quantity Surveyor.
Candidates may offer full time research or teaching towards their professional experience.
One month credit for every two months’ experience for full-time research or teaching in Architecture/ Quantity Surveying to a maximum of 6 months will be considered on written application from the candidate.
Candidates may offer experience of original research activities, for a period of a maximum of one year, towards their professional experience. This work must be of benefit to the Architectural/ Quantity Surveying profession or the construction industry and should preferably relate to at least one of the areas of experience within the principal areas set out in Annexure A or B respectively. It may comprise one of the following:
If candidates wish to offer such a period of research, they must submit for prior approval, a detailed synopsis of the research project and the name of the supervisor. Candidates may be called for an interview before the proposals are accepted.
The research must commence after candidates have obtained their degree or recognised qualification. Such research may be for the attainment of a higher degree solely by research or may form part of a syllabus for an advanced degree with a research component. Research submitted for assessment in an undergraduate course or a postgraduate diploma course is not acceptable.
If the research activities take the form of a single research project undertaken at an academic institution under (a) above, candidates must prepare and submit with their application for final assessment a Research Report not exceeding 3,000 words of the research which will be assessed in lieu of the monthly practical training record forms for that period. If the research is not complete, a suitably detailed progress report of the research to date must be prepared and submitted.
If the research is undertaken as part of a team under (b) above, and recorded on a report form, it should form part of the Research Report.
The Research Report must be signed by the promoter, certifying that it is the candidate’s own work.
Candidates may be questioned at the final assessment on the research work undertaken, the relevant experience gained and its relevance to professional practice.
The Namibia Council for Architects and Quantity Surveyors is a statutory council established by the Architects' and Quantity Surveyors' Act 13 of 1979. The Namibia Council for Architects and Quantity Surveyors registers Professional Architects and Quantity Surveyors, regulates the profession in protecting the public interest against unprofessional conduct and establishes the route to registration to allow professionals in these professions to register and practice in Namibia.
Address: 8 Koch Street, Klein Windhoek, Namibia | +264-61-401813 |